Guilty or Not Guilty?

By |2018-04-04T18:21:32+01:00April 30th, 2014|Categories: Advantages, balance and choice., cerebral palsy, mum of child with disability|

Our spring-break did not turn out as I had hoped. For reasons beyond my control my plans for quality time with both my boys failed to happen and I was left with a sense of guilt. It seems since the day SD was born I acquired the innate ability to feel guilty. I have a tendency [...]

Letting in the Light

By |2018-04-04T16:55:53+01:00April 11th, 2014|Categories: cerebral palsy, exhaustion, Fatigue, mum, parenting, special needs, value, Walk in my footsteps|

"You have not walked in my footsteps, danced in my shoes, or lived in my world. Do not judge me, point your fingers at me, or become experts on my life." Kate Baker I have a warm memory of dancing on my dad's feet as a little girl. I would place my tiptoes on his shiny [...]

The Sun in our Solar System

By |2021-01-19T12:59:12+00:00April 1st, 2014|Categories: cerebral palsy, disability, mum, mum of child with disability, parenting, planets, priorities, solar system|

My middle is a curious, scientist. He has always asked questions, mulled over information then applied it to life. He's a geek, like his Dad, and interested in wildlife, space and history. From a young age the planets of our solar system hung suspended above his bed. Then when the lights are switched off, clusters of [...]


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