Selfies – everyday moment, forever memory

By |2017-06-15T11:54:46+01:00May 25th, 2016|Categories: book, communication, disability, family, Mother of child with special needs, mum of child with disability, parenting, selfies, special needs, The skies I'm under, Uncategorized|

There is something I’ve discovered, no matter how hard I try, moments still only last a second. Over the last year I have tried really hard to soak up life but time still just flies by as moments effortlessly slip through my fingers, no matter how hard I grip or how deeply I breathe.

Going Out in My Underwear

By |2017-06-15T11:32:31+01:00December 15th, 2015|Categories: book, cerebral palsy, Mother of child with special needs, mum of child with disability, parenting, The skies I'm under|

Have you ever dreamt that you walk into work and everyone is staring at you? At first you smile at the on-looking faces, then you begin to wonder why you're getting so much attention. Suddenly, your heart races as you anxiously look down to discover you aren’t wearing any trousers. Everyone is staring because you've stepped outside in your underwear.

“I’m never going to write a book.”

By |2017-10-31T13:43:18+00:00November 20th, 2015|Categories: book, cerebral palsy, Healing, Inspiring, The skies I'm under|

A couple of weeks after an MRI scan confirmed my son’s severe brain damage, I stood over the sink washing dishes. A friend from church had come over to offer support and we talked. “You know, I just don't know what God is up to.” I seethed. “What do you mean?” “Well, if all this is [...]


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