Dear Professionals …

By |2023-06-06T09:22:41+01:00June 6th, 2023|Categories: #bridgingthegap, Born at the Right Time Training, co-production, communication, Don't call me Mum, effective communication, Inspiring, mum of child with disability, parenting, parenting a child with disabilties, special needs, Thank you, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

I’m not sure where to start because there are so many of you who have the opportunity to deliver personalised care. Maybe you’re one of the many therapists (Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech And Language Therapist to name but a few) who collude and agree when it’s best to meet and then ask that I adhere [...]

Don’t call me Mum Initiative

By |2022-06-21T20:17:54+01:00June 21st, 2022|Categories: Don't call me Mum, Parents as partners|

Only a few people in this world call me Mum, and to everyone else I request that they, "Please don't call me mum." I have a few pet hates. They include; Hardened Weetabix that needs a chisel to remove it from the bowl. Finding my laundry mottled with disintegrated tissue. Someone parking so close to my [...]

5 little things that make a Big Difference

By |2021-01-29T17:11:32+00:00February 8th, 2017|Categories: cerebral palsy, Don't call me Mum, featured, mum of child with disability, parenting, Parents as partners, Uncategorized|

When I worked as a  nurse in A&E, I knew that even in the middle of emergency procedures, how I treated the patient and family would be remembered. As a parent standing over my fitting son while the doctors fought to stop an hour long seizure, this simple fact went from theory to reality. As a healthcare professional [...]

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Don’t call me Mum Initiative

By |2020-06-20T08:20:05+01:00November 7th, 2016|Categories: Don't call me Mum, Parents as partners|

Only a few people in this world call me Mum, and to everyone else I ask, "Please don't call me mum." I have a few pet hates. They include; Hardened weetabix that needs a chisel to remove Finding my laundry mottled with disintegrated tissue Someone parking so close to my wheelchair adapted car that I can’t [...]


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