Flattening the curve…of emotions.

By |2021-06-22T10:15:39+01:00June 22nd, 2021|Categories: #bridgingthegap, emotions, hope, joy, loss, peace, perspective, Uncategorized|

Have you ever tried to curate your expectations in order to minimise disappointment or sadness? As though you are trying to flatten the curve of your emotions by not letting yourself feel the high of hopefulness or joyful expectation. I have found myself attempting (and failing) to compress and ignore feelings of hope, excitement, love or [...]

Learning to cope with the staring stranger

By |2022-06-08T09:52:52+01:00July 30th, 2018|Categories: cerebral palsy, communication, disability, emotions, expectations|

It’s the summer holidays. It has rained a whole of two days and siblings around the country are complaining about the most mundane things. Like, “MUM! He’s looking at me funny. Tell him to stop." My eldest brother used to complain I breathed too loudly whilst he was watching the TV. He certainly used to stare [...]

Good parent, bad emotions. #worldmentalhealthday

By |2017-11-03T14:54:56+00:00October 10th, 2017|Categories: emotions, exhaustion, Mother of child with special needs, mum of child with disability, Uncategorized, worldmentalhealthday|

“It’s just so hard, it's constant, not just physically but emotionally and mentally.” I muster every ounce of ‘I hear you’, with a simple nod. In slightly more frantic tones she continues, “it isn’t that it isn’t good, it is wonderful, she is deligh…” “Stop, you don’t need to explain.” Three times this week I [...]


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