

Born at the Right Time is passionate about influencing policy makers and supporting providers in delivering services which meet the needs of families. Using the voice of lived experience and collaborative working, we drive research and pioneering initiatives to turn ideology into practice and a better reality for families.


Born at the Right Time is proud to support ComplexUs which was co-founded by Rachel Wright. ComplexUs is a Think Tank focused on improving the lives of those affected by Complex Neurodisability. Lead by experts in the field, all of whom have lived experience in being primary caregivers of someone with a complex neurodisability, ComplexUs has an inside out approach to policy making. Starting with the lived experience, they promote and participate in robust research which helps develop creative solutions that add value and are economically viable.


Don’t Call Me Mum

The Don’t Call Me Mum initiative was pioneered in 2016 by Rachel Wright with the support of Simple Stuff Works. Don’t Call Me Mum is about humanising our conversations and centring people as a first step in #bridgingthegap between professionals and parents. It is founded on mutual respect and asks practitioners to demonstrate their passion for working co-productively with parents by simply using the parent’s name. Some research shows about half of parents would prefer not to be called ‘Mum’ or ‘Dad’ in meetings and appointments (Bayer et al, 2021) while other research suggested on 25% clinicians use a parent’s name (Amer and Fisher 2009).


Posture Positive

Posture Positive

The Posture Positive Collective started as a joint collaboration with NHS England, NHS Improvement, Born at the Right Time and Simple Stuff Works. The Posture Positive 2020 report, written by Rachel Wright and Sarah Clayton, shares the reality and impact of postural care service provision for people with Learning disabilities amid the Covid-19 pandemic in England. It was written after surveying over 100 people; practitioners, families and people with learning disabilities.


Personalised Care Insitute

Our Founder Director Rachel Wright is proud to be an ambassador for the Personalised Care Institute (PCI), a virtual organisation, accountable for setting the standards for evidence-based training in personalised care in England.

The free PCI training courses are a great resource for practitioners wanting to embed personalised care into their everyday practice. Our values remain in collaborating and amplifying voices and work of those with similar aspirations to see effective communication, collaboration and personalised care improving the lives of people with complex needs and their families.


“Highly recommended”

“Training based on real experience making sure we remember real people in our practice. Excellent and would highly recommend.”


“Every single staff member said it was one of the best training sessions they have ever completed. ”

“Catalyst for Change”

“One of the best trainings I’ve ever attended – bar none!”